2010年11月8日 星期一

Research Collaboration Presentation

This presentation is about Charles Darwin's theory of "Natural Selection" and the controversies involed.
Please click on the link below and enjoy the presentation.

Charles Darwin and the Origin of Species

P.S. the video is on Facebook, so you need a facebook account in order to watch it.

  1. Which main topic does this artifact relate to? In what way?  This artifact is a presentation about Charles Darwin's theory and the controversies with it.
  2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend on creating the artifact?  Charles Darwin's thoery is well known, but many people still claimed that natural selection is false. The main focus in this research is to understand the controversies with Darwin's thoery, as well as the motivations behind these controversies.
  3. What understanding have you gained from the creation process of this artifact?  We have understand that religion is the main reason for most of the controversies, as well as different opinion about these debates.
  4. Does this artifact reflect your best work and ideas? Why or why not?  Yes, our group have research a lot on this topic and has tried to include as many ideas as we could.
  5. Any additional comment?  None
Rate this artifact from -5 to 5 in the following criterion:
  • Quality of your portfolio (5)
  • Level of enjoyment (5)
  • Learning (5)
  • Level of creativity and originality (5)

