F | D | C | B | A | A+ | |
Number of Artifact | Less than 3 or 0 artifacts | 3-5 artifacts | 5-10 artifacts | 10-15 artifacts | 15-17 artifacts | 17 or more artifacts |
Aesthetic & Originality & Language Usage | Copy and Paste Only & 0% of aesthetic & Awful use of language | Mostly copy material, little original efforts & 30-40% of aesthetic & Okay-but-Bad use of language | Half copy, half original material & 50-75% of aesthetic & Acceptable use of language | One-third copy, and two-third original effort & 75-85% of aesthetic & Good use of language | All original efforts, and & 90-95% of aesthetic & Very good use of language | All original efforts, & 100% of aesthetic & Fantastic use use of language |
Understanding & Knowledge | No understanding were gain from the artifacts | Few understanding gain from the artifacts | Half understand the material | Okay understanding of the information | Good understanding of the materials | Very clear understanding of the information |
Reflections & Feedback | No reflection & No feedback | Reflections gives very little Information & Useless feedback | Acceptable reflections & feedback | Okay reflections & feedback | Reflection Gives good information & Useful feedback | Reflection gives great ideas & Useful and practical feedback |
A+ = Fantástico (Spanish "fantastic")
A = Awesome
B = bravo
C = Come on, you can do it!
D = You're dead if you keep doing this
F = You're F**K