2010年11月19日 星期五

Gapminder Analysis

Graph #1
Life Expectancy VS Population

Please focus on the rise in life expectancy and the increase of the population bubble.

 What do you observe?


Steamship advertisement using the gold rush as its subject

Transcontinental Railroad Finished

Notice that the population of United State has been growing annually. The main reason for this is because of the westward expansion. The United State has been expanding, especially after the Louisiana Purchase which double the size of the nation. Pioneers have been moving westward for new oppurntunities and new land. The Transcontinental Railroad was built during this time and it increase the number of people moving westward. Also, the Californian Gold Rush has also increase the number of immigrants from east coast.

Graph #2
CO2 Emission VS Income per Person
What do you observe?
Here is a enlargement of the graph.

Notice that the CO2 emission and income per person has been continue to rise through out the entire 19th Century. One of the main reason for this is industrialization. Like the Great Britain, America is starting to "industrialize" during the 1800s. Many new industriy were set up and more factories were built. Just like the British, the factories use mostly steam-power engine to increase the effectness of production. However, steam-power engine feeds on coal, which will release large amount of carbon dioxide when burned. Therefore, as more factories were set up, the CO2 emission were also increasing.
Andrew Carnegie
Also, industrialization brought prosperous to the United State. Many millionaires were made at that time, and many become rich by investing in industry. For example, Andrew Carnegie of steel industry and John D. Rockefeller of oil/petroleum industry.
John D. Rockefeller

2010年11月18日 星期四

Poem Writing

The Trail of Tears
They came to our land,
A land where we have lived for thousands of year,
They took our land,
A land where has been our home,
They driven us out of our land,
A land where we once belong,
All gone, No more,
Starting down the Trail of Tears,
A trail full of cries and tears.

2010年11月16日 星期二

Primary Source Evaluation (Carnage at the Little Bighorn)

Carnage at the Little BighornGeorge Herendon served as a scout for the Seventh Cavalry - a civilian under contract with the army and attached to Major Reno's command. Herendon charged across the Little Bighorn River with Reno as the soldiers met an overwhelming force of Sioux streaming from their encampment. After the battle, Herendon told his story to a reporter from the New York Herald:
"Reno took a steady gallop down the creek bottom three miles where it emptied into the Little Horn, and found a natural ford across the Little Horn River. He started to cross, when the scouts came back and called out to him to hold on, that the Sioux were coming in large numbers to meet him. He crossed over, however, formed his companies on the prairie in line of battle, and moved forward at a trot but soon took a gallop.

Map of the Battle
 "The Valley was about three fourth of a mile wide, on the left a line of low, round hills, and on the right the river bottom covered with a growth of cottonwood trees and bushes. After scattering shots were fired from the hills and a few from the river bottom and Reno's skirmishers returned the shots.
"He advanced about a mile from the ford to a line of timber on the right and dismounted his men to fight on foot. The horses were sent into the timber, and the men forward on the prairie and advanced toward the Indians. The Indians, mounted on ponies, came across the prairie and opened a heavy fire on the soldiers. After skirmishing for a few minutes Reno fell back to his horses in the timber. The Indians moved to his left and rear, evidently with the intention of cutting him off from the ford.
"Reno ordered his men to mount and move through the timber, but as his men got into the saddle the Sioux, who had advanced in the timber, fired at close range and killed one soldier. Colonel Reno then commanded the men to dismount, and they did so, but he soon ordered them to mount again, and moved out on to the open prairie."

This first-hand account of the battle was recorded and published by a news reporter from New York Herald. The name of this reporter is unknown, as well as the date when this document was recoreded and published. The original version of the story was from George Herendon, a witness of the Battle of the Little Bighorn. This document is now on EyeWitness To The History.com.

The document exist as a record of actual event. It is a record of a first-hand account of the Battle of the Little Bighorn, recorded by a unknown reporter from the New York Herald.  This article was intended for the public to know about the reality of the Battle. The provider of this first-hand account is George Herendon, a witness of the battle. The format of this article is written as an oral description from George Herendon, with Herendon speaking and the reporter recording.

The author, George Herendon, was with the 7th Calvary Regiment. George Herendon was under Major Reno's control and goes with his company. The place is at the Little Bighorn River where the Battle of the Little Bighorn took place. The time period is set at 1876, which is the year when the Battle occured, which is also during the Indian-American War. The author, Goerge Herendon, was describing this event through oral description. Herendon was telling the actual event through the perspective of the American side.

What we can learn about the battle from this document is not complete. This document is part of the many recorded documents about the battle. From this document, we can only see part of the battle, probably the start of the battle. We cannot see the result of the battle because this document stop at the middle of the battle. Also, we can learn from author's description that the number of Indian was far greater than the American, but approximately how many was not address, probably the number is unknown for the author.

Notice! New Case Study

The British case study is over now, and the next artifact will be about the America in the 19th Century.

2010年11月8日 星期一

Rubric for my Portfolio


Number of
Less than 3
or 0 artifacts
17 or more
Aesthetic  &
Originality &
Language Usage
Copy and Paste Only
0% of aesthetic
Awful use of language
Mostly copy material, little original efforts
30-40% of
Okay-but-Bad use of language
Half copy,
half original material
50-75% of aesthetic
Acceptable use of language
One-third copy, and two-third original effort
75-85% of aesthetic
Good use of language
All original efforts, and
 90-95% of aesthetic
Very good use of language
All original efforts,
100% of aesthetic
Fantastic use use of language
Understanding &
No understanding were gain from the artifacts
Few understanding gain from the artifacts
Half understand the material
Okay understanding of the information
Good understanding of the materials
Very clear understanding of the information
No reflection
No feedback
Reflections gives very little Information
Useless feedback
Acceptable reflections
Okay reflections
Gives good information
Useful feedback
Reflection gives great ideas
Useful and practical feedback

A+ = Fantástico (Spanish "fantastic")
A = Awesome
B = bravo
C = Come on, you can do it!
D = You're dead if you keep doing this
F = You're F**K

Research Collaboration Presentation

This presentation is about Charles Darwin's theory of "Natural Selection" and the controversies involed.
Please click on the link below and enjoy the presentation.

Charles Darwin and the Origin of Species

P.S. the video is on Facebook, so you need a facebook account in order to watch it.

  1. Which main topic does this artifact relate to? In what way?  This artifact is a presentation about Charles Darwin's theory and the controversies with it.
  2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend on creating the artifact?  Charles Darwin's thoery is well known, but many people still claimed that natural selection is false. The main focus in this research is to understand the controversies with Darwin's thoery, as well as the motivations behind these controversies.
  3. What understanding have you gained from the creation process of this artifact?  We have understand that religion is the main reason for most of the controversies, as well as different opinion about these debates.
  4. Does this artifact reflect your best work and ideas? Why or why not?  Yes, our group have research a lot on this topic and has tried to include as many ideas as we could.
  5. Any additional comment?  None
Rate this artifact from -5 to 5 in the following criterion:
  • Quality of your portfolio (5)
  • Level of enjoyment (5)
  • Learning (5)
  • Level of creativity and originality (5)