2010年10月7日 星期四

Poem by Me (Do not laugh! This is my first time)

The Factory
Dark smoke came out endlessly,
Labors work and work without a pause,
The machines roar and roar endlessly,
No break, no sleep, not even a single pause,
The same day will drone on endlessly,
The day of working without a pause,
The worker will go on endlessly,
No question, no complain, no cause,
The time will keep going,
The men will work without a cause.

  1. Which main topic does this artifact relate to? In what way?  This artifact is about student's own creation of arts, poems, or stories that is related to the style in the 19th century Britain.
  2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend on creating the artifact?  I spend about one hour on creating this poem. I choose to do poem because I never done one, so I want to try one.
  3. What understanding have you gained from the creation process of this artifact?  I learned how to write poems.
  4. Does this artifact reflect your best work and ideas? Why or why not?  Yes, I have think for a long time on how to create a good poem, so I think it is my best idea.
  5. Any additional comment?  None
Rate this artifact from -5 to 5 in the following criterion:
  • Quality of your portfolio (5)
  • Level of enjoyment (4)
  • Learning (5)
  • Level of creativity and originality (5)

