Industrial Revolution
- Great Britain is the first to become industrialize (late 1700s to early 1800s)
- U.S., Great Britain, Japan, Germany first four countries to become industrialize
- First to industrialize, first to gain power
- Industry affect the balance of power
- Too many factories
- Machine take over men-power
- Building a modern technology
- Punchcart and Steam engine
- Many people lose their jobs
- The gap between poor and rich widen
- Factory owners focus on better machinery
- Cheap labors were greatly needed
- Child labors were greatly used because they are cheap
- Awful working condition
- Too many fumes produce by the factories
- Fumes poison the workers
- The enviroment poisoned by the fumes
- People got sick easily
- Trade Union setup to give rights to workers
- Industialization
- to Industrialize
- Externality
- Cost-Benefit Analysis
- How did the people react to the Industrial Revolution?
- What cause the Industrial Revolution?
- What did the Industrial Revolution brought to those people?
- If you are a factory owner, what will you want to improve? Better machinery or working condition?
- Do you agree with the Industrial Revolution?
The Industrial Revoultion first start in England at the start to the 19th Century. The Great Britain is the first country to be industrialized. U.S., Japan, and Germany later became industrialized. The first country to be industrialize, the first to gain power. Because of this, the Great Britain gained the most power in the 19th century. During the Industrial Revolution, farmland were taken by the land owners to build fatories. Many factories were built during that time. Because there weren't any farmland to farm, many famers lost their job and became factory workers. The factory owners need many cheap workers, so many child labor were used because they are cheap. These child labors were forced to work for long hours without resting. Also, the working condition is awful. Fumes produce by the machines poisoned the workers and make them sick. The fumes also poisoned the enviroment and cause lots of people to sick.