2010年10月24日 星期日

Primary Source Evaluation (Voice from the Ranks)

Voice from the Ranks: preface

Sergeant Timothy Gowing, Royal Fusiliers

Taken from Timothy Gowing's Voice from the Ranks: a personal narrative of the Crimean Campaign (Nottingham: 1895). This document has been copied from its primary location on The Victorian Web.

Some may regard this work as of a very mixed character, nevertheless I am in hopes that it will both interest and entertain. And here I must beg my readers to remember that the book is submitted to their judgement as a record of facts, and not as an attempt at fine writing; I have confined myself strictly to a narrative of facts, whether the incidents related came under my own observation or otherwise.
I took part in some of the most desperate scenes in the Crimea - at the Alma I was one of those who led the way up the fatal Heights; at Inkerman I was in the thick of the fight and was wounded. I was beside that Christian hero Captain Hedley Vicars when he fell in his country's cause with the words on his lips, 'For England's home and glory, follow me!'.
I was also engaged in those memorable struggles that were carried on night after night, and day after day, before Sevastopol, and was wounded a second time in that bloody attack on Redan in which a Norfolk man - the late General (then Colonel) Windham - gained an immortal name. In giving my experiences during that campaign I may in some respects be repeating an 'oft-told-tale', yet, as a personal narrative, it will, I think, be new to many and will afford information not elsewhere to be found.
The letters to my parents from the seat of war in the Crimea I have ventured to publish, trusting they will prove of more than passing interest and set more than one thinking, 'Where is my boy tonight?' Many of them were written under great difficulty in a bleak tent or hut with the thermometer far below freezing point, with my wet rags frozen on my back; often my overcoat stiff with frost.
With confidence I now submit my work to my fellow-countrymen, trusting that none will criticise too harshly the humble literary efforts of one who has tried to do his duty upon many a hard-fought field, and who is ready to do it again rather than see that flag we love so well trampled in the dust.
T. Gowing
late Sergeant-Major, Royal Fusiliers

This preface was from the biography Voice from the Ranks: a personal narrative of the Crimean Campaign by Timothy Gowing, a sergeant from the Royal Fusiliers and a veteran of the Crimean War. Timothy Gowing published this biography as well as this preface in 1895.
The document above was published on the website Web of English History by Dr. Marjorie Bloy. The published date unknown.

This document is a record of actual history happening of Timothy Gowing's experience during the Crimean War, as suggested in the preface. Timothy Gowing created this preface for his biography, Voice from the Ranks: a personal narrative of the Crimean Campaign, to inform the readers that this is a record of real events during the Crimean War, as well as some pre-warning about the book. This biography was published for the public in England to know the situation in the Crimean War, both the battle scenes and the daily life of a soldier. It also reveal some personel experience of Timothy Gowing during the war and his passion for his country.

From this document, we know that Timothy Gowing was a member of the Royal Fusilier, and served in the Crimean War. We know he was a sergeant during the war and was promoted  to sergeant major later. We also know he was wounded more than once. According to this document, the time period was at the end of the 19th century. In the midle part of the 1800s, the Crimean War was taking place and the author was one of the witness as well as a participant in the war.Timothy Gowing was doing the narrator part in this document. The historical scenes in the book and in this preface were all from the perspective of Timothy Gowing, which he witnessed or experienced. This documen is purely a record of history and real events, and there is no controversies issues about the events in the book.

In this document, the author did not addressed us clearly about all of his experience during the war. He only simply mentioned it. The reason he do so is because this document is the preface of his biography. A preface is use to address people about the intent of the book, but not the whole story. Therefore, this preface only told peopel what the biography is about. More detail will be address to the readers later when they are reading this biography.

  1. Which main topic does this artifact relate to? In what way?  This artifact is about practicing primary source evaluation skill.
  2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend on creating the artifact?  I choose this preface as my artifact is because I am interested in war novel. I spend about one hour on this artifact.
  3. What understanding have you gained from the creation process of this artifact?  I have more practice on my primary source evaluation.
  4. Does this artifact reflect your best work and ideas? Why or why not?  Yes, I have tried primary source evaluation once, so I have some experience in doing this.
  5. Any additional comment?  I really don't like primary source evaluation.
Rate this artifact from -5 to 5 in the following criterion:
  • Quality of your portfolio (4)
  • Level of enjoyment (3)
  • Learning (4)
  • Level of creativity and originality (4)

